There are questions as to why we would hold our annual Halloween Dance on the Saturday before Halloween rather than the next Friday, which is Halloween. Well, there are several reasons, one being that it’s sometimes difficult for parents to make sure their kids have gotten their trick or treating done before they leave them with the sitter and head to the adult party in Jerome. The other reason being, there are several establishments that usually hold a Halloween party in Jerome. One being the Spirit Room with the other being the Asylum Restaurant. We’re unsure whether the Asylum will be holding Halloween parties there any longer, but the Spirit Room will definitely be rocking this Halloween. So now you have two Halloween parties to go to instead of just one!
We are adding some additional entertainment beginning at 8:30 until 9, when the band begins to play. The Desert Nomads Dance Collective from Prescott contacted us to see if they could dance before Llory McDonald and Combo Deluxe began to play for the evening. This should be fun! Who doesn’t like belly dancers! Come up early and enjoy the swaying dancers and get ready to celebrate Halloween!